GRAND FUTURE NECTAR (DOB – November 3rd, 2020)
Penn Hip: 0.44/0.45 (free of hip dysplasia)
NCL: clear, Ichthyosis (ICH): clear
OFA Prelim Elbows: Normal (free of elbow dysplasia)
OFA Prelim Heart: Normal
OFA Prelim Patellas: Normal
Teeth: 42 teeth (no missing teeth)
Weight: 118 lbs (53.5 kg)
Puppies due to be born in May 2025
8th Generation Grand Future American Bulldogs
2-year contractual money back health guarantee against the following genetic health problems – hip and elbow dysplasia, patellas, cataracts, heart, kidneys, thyroid, ichthyosis, cryptorchidism and any neurological disorders including epilepsy and NCL.
We do not stipulate return of the dog or any other unreasonable conditions in honoring our health guarantee. We simply refund money in the case of above-mentioned genetic health problems up to the total purchase price of the puppy. Every disease on this list has been either extremely rare or completely non-existent in our breeding program since 2000.
5th pick available |
2nd pick available |
Click here to make a deposit
Contact us for more information
Phone: +1 310-844-6831 (text or call)
Send us a message on Facebook:
GRAND FUTURE PRECIOUS (DOB – December 22nd, 2020)
Penn Hip: 0.45/0.43 (free of hip dysplasia)
NCL: clear, Ichthyosis (ICH): clear
Teeth: 42 teeth (no missing teeth)
Weight: 103.5 lbs (47.0 kg)
Grand Future Yellowstone at 3 months old from 2024 Grand Future Nectar x Grand Future Precious litter.
2024 Grand Future Nectar x Grand Future Precious litter.
Grand Future American Bulldog puppies at 16 days old from previous litter produced by these parents.
Video at 23 hours old