Grand Future Journey – Female American Bulldog Puppy For Sale

DOB – January 7th, 2019
AVAILABLE – located in Las Vegas, NV.
Contact us at 626-487-5523 for more information on acquiring Piggy.

Despite her young age, Piggy is an extraordinarily calm pup. She possesses a very high level of emotional intelligence. Very neutral and stable temperament.
Comfortable on car rides.
As an American Bulldog, she possess a guardian instinct, and it is properly tempered and not overboard. Her heart rate remains low and steady in new environments, which indicates that she maintains her composure.

Piggy has a very stable immune system. Has never had any infections, even minor ones. Clean ears, no tear stains. Good solid bowel movements. No food or environmental allergies of any kind have been observed.

Piggy was raised by us as a Grand Future breeding candidate, however, we have made a determination that her smaller size disqualifies her from breeding.

Piggy is currently just shy of 70 lbs. and at maturity she will probably be a little over 70 lbs.

Piggy is a perfect family pet and companion. Anyone that spends time with her is bound to fall in love with her big beautiful eyes and calm but goofy personality.

Piggy’s personality, lack of stubbornness, and strong attention on handler with an aim to please makes her a perfect American Bulldog even for a family with no prior experience with this breed.

We love Piggy very much but these are the kinds of tough decisions we must sometimes make as a serious breeder.